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Online Blackjack at Betway

Hit or stand? 21 or bust? Blackjack is one of the most iconic casino games there is, and when you play blackjack online at Betway, we give you the real casino experience.

Feel the thrill of the game as the cards hit the green table while you watch in anticipation of what the next card will be. 

Blackjack is undoubtedly one of the world’s most popular casino card games as well as being one of the simplest. As little as two cards could be all you need to hit 21. 

Betway offers a range of online blackjack card games for you to choose from, including the chance to play against real dealers in real time at our Live Blackjack tables. Give it a try and you’ll see that playing online blackjack is as thrilling as playing in-person.

So, come along and try our online blackjack games, take on the dealer, and put the chips on the table. At the end of the day, it really comes down to one question: hit or stand?

History of Blackjack

Blackjack is one of the most iconic card games in the world, and probably the most popular – in both physical and online casinos, blackjack is often the first port of call for newcomers. 

In fact, the first reference to the game blackjack was recorded in the early 1600s by Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes. But intrigue surrounds the origin of this casino classic, as the time and location are still a mystery. This game of unknown origin has been a staple of all casinos around the world and the air of mystery surrounding it only accentuates the game's charm. 

Blackjack’s popularity is in part down to its simplicity. Along with the dealer, a game can include between one and seven players. You play against the dealer, and the aim of the game is to possess the closest value to 21 on your cards without going over. This easily understood concept makes it hugely accessible, enjoyable, and played all over the world. 

What types of Blackjack do Betway offer?

There are a range of variations from Classic Blackjack, European Blackjack, Atlantic City Blackjack, Spanish Blackjack and even Super Fun 21. So, whatever your style, you can find the online blackjack game that suits you.

While all the basic rules of blackjack remain the same (get higher than the dealer, get 21, don’t go bust) there are a couple of differences across all the blackjack card games. They vary on areas such as the number of decks used, when you’re allowed to split cards, if you can surrender your cards, and if the dealer peeks to see if they have a blackjack 21.

Here’s some of the differences of how to play blackjack variations:


  • One of the most common versions of online blackjack.
  • Uses 8 decks.
  • Dealers must hit if they have 16 or less, or on a soft 17.
  • Blackjack is paid at odds of 3:2.
  • You cannot ‘surrender’ cards at Classic Blackjack tables. But you can buy ‘insurance’ if you think the dealer is going to hit Blackjack.


  • Uses two decks.
  • You can only double down on hands with a value of 9, 10 or 11.
  • You can only split a hand once.
  • You can only split like-valued 10 cards.


  • Very similar to classic blackjack.
  • Uses 8 decks.
  • You can split cards up to three times.
  • The dealer must stand on both hard and soft 17.
  • You can double down after splitting cards.
  • If the dealer’s face up card is an ace or a card worth 10, they peek at their face down card to see if they have a blackjack 21.
  • You have the option to surrender your hand.


  • Uses six to eight decks with the number 10 cards removed.
  • The dealer peeks, like in Atlantic City Blackjack.
  • You have the option to surrender your hand
  • A player’s 21 always beats a dealer’s 21.
  • The dealer hits on a soft 17.
  • You can double down more than once.


  • As, we mentioned before, there’s also our Live Blackjack, where you can play      against real dealers, and watch them deal right in front of you.
  • You’ll be playing the Classic Blackjack variation.
  • Wager as high or low as you want, we’ve got online blackjack tables that range from 50p      up to £10,000.
  • Speak to our dealers via the Live Chat.

You’ll be able to find all these options in the blackjack tab of the Betway Casino, and Live & Real. There you’ll see the huge variety of online blackjack games, offering a user-friendly gaming experience across all platforms; desktop, tablet and mobile. So, you can play wherever and whenever you want.

How to play Blackjack online

As mentioned previously, the rules of blackjack are very straightforward; you’re dealt two cards to begin, while the dealer has one card face up. The aim of the game is to reach, or get as close to 21 as possible without going over. 

When cards are dealt, you have a number of options. You can choose to ‘hit’, meaning you draw an extra card, or ‘stand’, meaning you’re happy with your cards and do not wish to draw another. 

You’ll win if you have a higher combination than the dealer, or if the dealer goes bust. The dealer is obliged to hit if they reach a total of 16, but they won’t hit if they reach a hard 17.

A ‘push’ occurs when your initial cards tally up to blackjack (21), as well as the dealer’s initial cards too. This would mean neither of you can win, so you would then get your initial bet back. 

To go ‘bust’ means you have drawn too many cards, totalling up to more than 21. Going bust means you lose that hand.

Blackjack, then, is a comparison game, where you just need to better the cards of the dealer. You’ll want to beat the dealer with the fewest cards possible, but the most important thing is to get as close to 21 as you can. 

Card variations and payouts in Blackjack

Here we will go through the different variations of cards you can draw, as well as what they pay out. 

Perfect pair

This is where you bet on whether your first two cards will match in any way, i.e. same number, same suit. (e.g.: Jack of hearts and Jack of hearts): This is a pair of cards of the same rank AND suit. This pays 25:1.

Coloured pair

This is a pair of the same colour but different suits (e.g.: 3 of hearts and 3 of diamonds). This pays 12:1.

Mixed pair

A mixed pair is a pair made up of two different colours (red/black) (e.g.: 2 of hearts and 2 of spades) This pays 6:1.


Three cards of the same suit.


Three cards in a numerical row. 

Three of a kind

Three cards of the same number/rank. 

Straight flush 

Three cards in a numerical row, and of the same suit.

Suited three of a kind 

Three cards of the same number/rank, and of the same suit.

Bet types in Blackjack

When playing blackjack, your initial bet, or your ante as known commonly in poker, happens before your first cards are drawn. It’s sort of a buy-in bet. 

In addition to your initial bet, other main bets include:

Double Down

A player can choose to double down, which means to place a second bet on the table. Because you only get one more card on a double down, it’s important to know when to play it.

Also, similar to splitting, you have the chance to win more, but will have to stake more.

The best blackjack strategy for the double down is only to do it when your hand value is equal to 10 or 11.

Splitting Cards 

Splitting your cards is an opportunity to wager more and double your bet. When you choose to split, your initial cards will become the first cards of two separate hands. 

In general, aces and 8s is the standard rule, as two 8s only give you 16 (not always a strong hand) and two aces give you a better shot at 21, when split.

If dealt a pair of 10s, be sure to stand as you’re not likely to improve on your hand. If dealt a pair of nines, the best strategy is to split if the dealer has 2-9. However, if the dealer has a seven, 10 or ace it makes more sense to stand.


This one can be divisive. The best it’ll give you is a breakeven if the dealer has blackjack. With this bet, you’re essentially taking out insurance if the dealer has an ace, to cover yourself against the dealer hitting blackjack – it may be worth considering if no other 10s or aces have been dealt.


If a player chooses to surrender, then they give up their hand, while recovering half of their initial bet.

Side bets and payouts in Blackjack

In blackjack, there are various side bets, in addition to the main types of bets, that can make things even more interesting. Some of these include: 

Royal match – pays 5:2 for any suited cards and 25:1 for suited king and queen.

Over/under 13 – correctly predict the sum of the player’s cards as less or greater than 13. 

Super sevens – this bet will pay out based on if the player is dealt one or more sevens. One seven pays 3:1, two unsuited sevens pays 50:1, two suited sevens pays 100:1. If the third card dealt is also a seven, then the bet will pay 500:1 unsuited and 5000:1 suited. 

Lucky ladies – this type of bet will pay out if the player’s cards add up to 20. 4:1 is paid out for unsuited, 10:1 for suited, 25:1 for same rank and suit, and two queen of hearts 200:1. 

Try out one of our many variations of blackjack for yourself and see if you can find a classic hit, or one with a modern twist, to call your new favourite. 

Blackjack FAQ

What does hard or soft mean?

The difference between a ‘hard’ hand and a ‘soft’ hand is the ace card. Because an ace can have the value of either 1 or 11, if you have one in your hand, it’s considered ‘soft’. In contract, if no ace is present, then your hand is rigid and is considered ‘hard’. 

What does hit or stand mean?

To ‘hit’ means to draw another card. If you are happy with your cards and confident in their total, then you will choose to ‘stand’. 

What does push mean?

‘Push’ means that both you and the dealer have hit 21 with your initial cards. Neither you or the dealer can win, so you will receive your buy-in bet back.

What is insurance in blackjack?

When you chose to place an ‘insurance’ bet, you’re essentially covering you bases for if the dealer hits blackjack in an ace. 

Does blackjack beat 21?

‘Blackjack’ is the term commonly used when the total cards in a hand reach 21.

Can I raise in blackjack?

If you’re confident you can beat the dealer, you can choose to ‘double down’ after the first two cards have been drawn, however this means you can only draw one more card, and will automatically ‘stand’ should the dealer carry on. 

What is the best hand?

The best hand in blackjack is an ace and either a 10, J, Q, or K, totalling 21. 

What is the worst hand?

Generally speaking, the worst hand in blackjack is a pair of 8’s with a value of 16. A hand totalling 16 is considered to be the worst one can have. 

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