
1. All bets will be settled on the official result supplied by the tournament officials.

2. Should the team line-up change once the markets have closed, all bets will stand. This applies to team/personnel changing after the event has begun. If a team starts with its line-up, and then a participant experiences connection errors, if another person stands in for them, all bets placed on that event will stand.

3. Should performance be hindered in any way, we reserve the right to void all bets on that game. For example, if a server change leads to a team’s performance being hindered in such a way that they are not able to play at a competitive level.

4. Un-played or postponed matches not played within 3 hours from the original start time, will be voided. Does not apply for LAN events (see LAN events).

5. If a tournament is not completed, all outright bets will be void.

6. Totals: If the map is not completed, all bets are voided.

7. Correct Score: If the match is not completed, all bets are void.

8. To win a map: If the match is not completed, all bets will be void.

9. Match Betting: Match Betting: If a match is started, but not completed, then all bets will be void, unless the team/player is disqualified, in which case the team/player progressing to the next round will be deemed the winner.

10. Outright Betting: Non-Starter – No Bet. Rule 4 may apply. If a team/player plays at least one map, they will be considered an entrant. If that team later does not complete the tournament, they will be settled as a loser. Each way bets – dead heat rules may apply.

11. A team ‘tapping out’ will be settled as a loss. For example, if a team calls GG before the final objective is achieved.


1. In the case of LAN events, un-played or postponed matches, not played within 48 hours from the original start time, will be voided.

2. Any change in venue, all bets stand.

Dota 2

1. Map Betting: in the event of a draw, win/win market will be voided.

2. All time based bets are settled on the in-game clock, and does not include the period before creeps spawn.

3. First blood markets are not time sensitive, and will be settled on the first kill of the game.

4. For bets involving towers, all destroyed/denied towers count as having been destroyed by the opposing team, even if the last hit was a creep.

5. For bets involving barracks, all destroyed barracks count as having been destroyed by the opposing team even if the last hit was from a creep. The ranged and melee barracks in each pair count as separate barracks, so that each team has a total of six barracks.

6. For bets involving kills (other than “First Blood”), the official broadcast or game API if available is definitive in determining whether the death of a Hero counts as a kill. For example, where a Hero is killed by tower or creep damage without the involvement of an enemy Hero this may not be registered as a kill on the broadcast, in which case it does not count as a kill for bet settlement purposes.

7. For bets on First Blood, the broadcast or official API score must register the kill as First Blood. Where, for example, a kill is denied by a team-mate, it may not be counted as First Blood (regardless of whether it is registered as a kill on the broadcast kill counter), in which case it will not count as First Blood for bet settlement purposes. For the avoidance of doubt, all kill markets other than “First Blood” are settled based on the kill counter, but a kill that is registered on the kill counter will count as First Blood only if is announced as such.

8. For bets on Roshans, the team that scores the last hit on Roshan as determined by the broadcast or game API if available is deemed to have slain Roshan, regardless of the player who picks up the aegis of the immortal.

9. For bets involving the next team to score a particular objective or the team to score the most of a particular objective, where a “neither” or “draw” option is offered and is the winning outcome, bets on either team are losers. Where no such selection is offered and neither team is a winner, all bets on the market are void and stakes refunded.

10. Where one team surrenders, bets stand and in respect of bets involving Roshans, barracks and kills are settled based on the situation at the time the surrender takes place.


1. All bets, unless otherwise specified, are settled based on regulation time (Plus Overtime).

2. For bets involving knife kill, Molotov kill and He Grenade kill, only kills made by opposite team count.

3. Bets involving knife kill, Molotov kill and He Grenade kill, are counted only during the round. All bets for knife, Molotov or He Grande kills after the round is finished are not counted.

4. Bets involving bomb plant, are only counted when the bomb is planted during the round; any plants after the round is finished are not counted.

5. For bets involving specific player number of kills, all kills count only during the round; any kills made after the round is finished are not counted.

League of Legends

1. Map Betting: in the event of a draw, win/win market will be voided.

2. All time based bets are settled on the in-game clock.

3. First blood markets are not time sensitive, and will be settled on the first kill of the game.

4. For bets involving towers, all destroyed towers count as having been destroyed by the opposing team even if the last hit was from a minion.

5. For bets involving inhibitors, all destroyed inhibitors count as having been destroyed by the opposing team even if the last hit was from a minion. For bets involving the number of inhibitors destroyed, each of the six inhibitors counts only once, even if it is destroyed, respawns and is destroyed again. For bets involving the next inhibitor destroyed, each destruction of an inhibitor counts separately, even where it has respawned and is being destroyed for a second or subsequent time.

6. For bets involving kills (including “First Blood”, which in League of Legends is synonymous with the first kill on the map), the official broadcast or game API if available is definitive in determining whether the death of a Champion counts as a kill. For example, where a Champion is killed by tower or minion damage without the involvement of an enemy Champion this may not be registered as a kill on the broadcast, in which case it does not count as a kill for bet settlement purposes.

7. For bets involving the next team to score a particular objective or the team to score the most of a particular objective, where a “neither” or “draw” option is offered and is the winning outcome, bets on either team are losers. Where no such selection is offered and neither team is a winner, all bets on the market are void and stakes refunded.

8. Where one team surrenders, bets stand. Bets involving dragons, barons and kills are settled based on the situation at the time the surrender takes place.

Starcraft 2

No draw market will be available in the win/draw/win; as such, bets placed on the win/win market, will be voided in the eventuality of a draw.


1. All bets, unless otherwise specified, are settled based on regulation time, including Overtime.

2. In the event of a draw, 2-way market win/win will be voided.

3. Should the spike explode and kill the remaining players of the opposing team, this round counts as a round elimination and not spike explosion.

4. For bets involving spike plants to stand at least one player of each team has to be alive at time of planting. Any spike planted after the round is deemed completed are not considered for settlement purposes.

5. For bets involving the number of kills for a player, only kills by that specific player count. Kills by spike explosion do not count.

 Last updated: 10/05/2022

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